Saara Iija - LAUMA Growth Group

Saara Iija
Founding Partner

Passionate Corporate Trainer developing high-functioning, agile, diverse teams & individuals, focusing on growth, inclusion & enjoyment

ACTP Trained Leadership Coach from an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (PCC level), empowering clients to thrive through challenges toward their goals

Professional Business Leader with experience from a fast-growth company (Fintech50), devoted to service design and leading interdisciplinary teams


Curiosity. Growth. Diversity.

I have always been a curious person about the world in general, but also about people. My life journey has taken me to different places: I have lived in several countries and traveled a lot (I will never forget about the jeep drive across the mountains with no roads in Bolivia, fearing for my life as the driver kept falling asleep). I love getting to know different cultures and understanding what is common and what might differ, and how that is a richness.

From the icy arctic of my current hometown to the hot villages of Mexico, I enjoy being in nature and observing it. Long hikes, with my dog Joppe, in the forest are what keep me going and energized. Wilderness and nature are a lifeline for me, especially during the polar night when daylight is just a vague memory. I feel connected with everything when I climb a mountain or go deep into the woods. I feel small and insignificant in the face of the wilderness. But most importantly - I feel free.

Winter nature

Nature has been my passion already when I was a child. I loved playing around in forests and finding treasures such as berries and mushrooms on my adventures. I remember lively when I picked up 10 liters of mushrooms (funnel chantarelles) and then sold those to a restaurant downtown Helsinki. I was only 8 or 9 years old. It felt huge. I was earning my first own money.

Now in my thirties, I’ve done all kinds of jobs. I was part of something BIG at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). I have also worked in sales and customer service, which has taught me many valuable lessons in humane interaction (pun intended). Building a growth company in FinTech and seeing it in its different life stages, from a start-up to an organization and much more, taught me many priceless lessons. I am also a yoga teacher and a student (an eternal one). Today I have the honor of making something of my own according to my values.

Changing the direction of one’s professional journey 180 degrees, not only once but multiple times, takes courage and perseverance. But it is also very fulfilling and enables personal and professional growth. It requires vulnerability to jump out of the known and start from scratch. Even though you don’t start from scratch, I genuinely understand how it could feel that way. All the life experiences thus far and all the learnings we have accumulated are within each of us. It is just a matter of leveraging our skills in a new setup, learning, and working through the insecurities accompanying change.

Let me help you get there.

The Journey

My biggest passion in life is personal and professional growth. I love learning something new and challenging myself. Helping others grow and achieve their goals gives me meaning, so I became a leadership coach.

My coaching journey started before I dreamed of becoming a coach while working for a FinTech company. I was a team lead of specialists in a field I couldn’t call my own. This provided a challenge for me, but then again, not really.

This reminds me of one piece of advice that stuck with me particularly well to this day: Always hire smarter people than you. Well - here I was, the leader of a team of smarter people than me. For they possessed the skills and know-how, I didn’t.

This setup naturally shaped the dynamic to a more coaching style of leadership. My role was to provide direction and support, helping the team find their resolutions by guiding them, asking many questions, and learning from each other.

Coaching is interaction without any preconceived solutions. It is being present and open to the situation and the other person, remaining curious, and refraining from judgment. Most importantly: trusting the other person to be the best professional in their life, not a project to fix.

So what did I learn from the specialist team? The foundation of trust must be there before we can challenge each other and work more efficiently toward a common goal. This same applies to coaching. There needs to be trust and feelings of safety for coaching to be efficient. That’s why it is essential to pay attention when choosing the right coach for you.

The Power of Being Heard

My coaching clients have described me as a good listener who makes them feel seen, heard and understood. I have a warm interaction style emphasizing safety, trust, and openness. My clients appreciate the questions and challenges I have raised for them. They have felt increased clarity, a sense of empowerment, and self-confidence to face their challenges and go after their dreams while having a clear plan or next steps to move forward.

In our sessions, I might also suggest some somatic exercises, like breathing exercises, to help calm the nervous system and be present (which might be challenging if you run from meeting to meeting). This may help you feel more grounded and enable taking a step back and gain new perspectives, which may be just the thing one needs while running a hectic schedule. Any exercise is always up to you, and I will ask for your permission.

I would love to accompany you on your journey to a more fulfilling professional life. Please connect with me via the Contact Form if you want to chat. I offer sessions in English and Finnish.